everyday: of or for ordinary days Dictionary.com
epistle: a composition in prose or poetry written in the form of a letter to a particular person or group Britannica.com

About Aimee

Hi, I'm Aimee Whetstine. I write Everyday Epistle as a personal blog.

When I finally plugged into social media, I found myself wanting to write more than Facebook posts. The prospect of writing what I wanted when I wanted without content restriction or client edits was too tempting.

Who am I? Wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, sinner saved by grace, independent conservative, self-proclaimed Southerner exiled to the Midwest, and I recently turned 40. All this and more is fodder for posts. Click here for an official introduction.

I graduated from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I also hold an MSE from Missouri Baptist University. Following a career in communications, I left the corporate advertising world to raise my son. My family and I live in St. Louis.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoy your time here.